Welcome to Bike Share Explorer!

Select a system to explore:

Your Data Await!

Select a Bike Share System.

Click on a station marker.

Get a status update!


Feeling a little confused? You're in the right place.

What is this app for?

This app is a personal project I created to get better at using some of the new technologies I've learned of late. I've always had an interest in bike share systems, and this app is meant to help people who share my fascination/curiousity/need to find a bike ASAP in whatever city.

How do I use it?

Select a system from the drop down menu on the System Info panel.

  1. Navigate to the system panel. Tap/click location_city
  2. Tap on the drop down menu.
  3. Select a system from the list. The data will begin loading immediately.

Where's the map?

If you're on mobile, you might be a little confused as to where this alleged map actually is. On other devices, you may just want to make the map full screen.

To show the full map on any device, click/tap map

On mobile, if you display the map immediately after selecting a system, you can watch the map fly to its new position. You can always do so on other devices.

What do the symbols mean?

The symbol size represents the size of the station. The symbol color represents the ratio of bikes to docks at the station.

No Bikes

50 / 50

No Docks

Finding your location.

In the bottom right corner of the map click/tap gps_fixed

This application does feature user geolocation, but it is of strictly limited utility. Finding your location does not mean that there are bike share systems near you, nor does it limit the selection of a system to explore in any way.

Geolocation Error